Tegenaria annulata
As discussed by Brignoli (1971a) and Bolzern et al. (2010), this species is most closely related to species referred to Pseudotegenaria by Lehtinen (1967) (here referred to as the annulata-complex, together with Teg. animata, Teg. bayeri, Teg. bosnica, and Teg. decolorata) and to Teg. tridentina (see Simon, 1937). This relationship is based on morphology and for Teg. tridentina also on DNA.
Cheliceral promargin with four, retromargin with four to five teeth. Colulusdeveloped as trapezoidal plate with the distal margin straight. Female with two minor ampullate and four cylindrical gland spigots distally on PMS, two medially prominent and four laterally (two on both sides). PLS with distal segment as long as basal segment. Tarsal trichobothria on cymbium and palp tarsus present. Tarsal trichobothria seven to ten. Small teeth on paired claws of leg I 15. Leg spination: male palp (2–1–0–0, 2–0–0, 1–2–0–0 or 2–2–0–0), female palp (2–1–1–0, 2–0–0, 2–2–0–0), leg femora (1–3–2–0 or 1–4–2–0 or 1–4–4–0 or 2–3–2–0, 1–3–2–0 or 2–3–2–0, 1–2–2–0 or 1–3–2–0, 1–1–1–0 or 1–2–1–0 or 1–3–2–0), patellae (all 2–0–0), tibiae (0 or 0–0–0–2, 0–1–0–0 or 0–1–0–2 or 0–2–0–2, 2–2–1–3 or 2–2–2–2+1p or 2–2–2–2p, 2–1–1–1+2p or 2–1–1–2+1p or 2–2–1–2+1p), metatarsi (0–0–0–3p or 0–0–0–3p+1, 0–1–0–1p+1+1p+1 or 0–1–0–3p+1, 0–2–2–3p+1 or 0–3–2–3p+1, 0–2–3–1+3p+1), tarsi (I and II 0, III and IV 0–0–1–0).
Coloration: Margin of carapace narrowly darkened with three distinctly crescent-shaped spots, dorsally with two symmetrical longitudinal dark bands. Sternum with distinct pale median band and three symmetrical pairs of pale dots laterally, moderately fused together. Opisthosoma pale yellowish (may be a result of alcohol preservation) with many dark spots, one or two pairs of symmetrical white spots anteriorly, posteriorly with chevrons. Legs annulated. Colulus, ALS, and basal segment of PLS darkened, distal segment pale.
Male palp: RTA with three branches, ventral branch distally tusk-like elongated, ventrally forming distinct ridge, reaching almost three quarters of tibia length, lateral branch short and simple pointed, pale, dorsal branch broad and strongly sclerotized, distally obliquely truncated and moderately pointed. Filiform embolus length longer than 2.5 x CB, originating at 6–7 o’clock position, distal tip at 4 o’clock position. Conductor with distal portion conspicuously narrow and strongly elongated, distally moderately bent, lateral margin completely folded. Terminal end indistinctly bifid, ventral part simple and pointed or moderately truncated, dorsal part forms indistinct protuberance. Connection of conductor to tegulum moderately sclerotized, distinctly arch-like shaped. MA originating at 5 o’clock position, strongly protruding, distally with hook-like sclerite. MA membranously connected to tegulum. Basal part of tegulum clearly visible, undulated.
Epigyne and vulva: Epigyne with distinct median area, posterior sclerite expressed as a trapezoidal sclerotized bulge. CO anteriorly of posterior sclerite, anteriolaterally limited by moderately protruding, distinctly sclerotized massive margin of the epigynal plate. Epigynal ‘pseudo teeth’ absent. Vulva consists of CBD, strongly convoluted, no distinct RC recognizable. CBD well separated from each other. FD only represented by small, leaf-shaped appendages.
Male (N = 1): CL 3.58, CW 2.62, STL 1.81, STW 1.79. Leg I (6.29, 1.63, 6.32, 6.93, 2.74), II (5.35, 1.51, 5.04, 6.1, 2.24), III (4.64, 1.34, 3.90, 5.49, 1.92), IV (5.69, 1.47, 5.16, 7.23, 2.52). Pedipalp (2.09, 0.69, 0.78, 1.76), bulbL 1.52.
Female (N = 1): CL 5.33, CW 3.89, STL 2.51, STW 2.24. Leg I (7.46, 2.27, 6.80, 7.86, 3.20), II (6.68, 1.88, 6.10, 6.62, 2.61), III (5.94, 1.84, 4.75, 6.44, 2.44), IV (9.02, 2.62, 7.85, 8.40, 2.76). Pedipalp (2.35, 0.94, 1.40, 2.37). EPL 0.82, EPW 1.10, ATL 0.42, ATW 0.56.
Eyes: PME 0.18–0.21, PLE 0.19– 0.22, AME 0.15–0.19, ALE 0.19–0.24. Eye distances: PME–PME 0.5–1 x PME, PME–AME 1 x PME, PME– PLE 0.5–1 x PME, PME–ALE 1–1.5 x PME, AME– AME 0.5–1 x AME, AME–ALE < 0.5 x AME. CLY1 2–2.5 x AME, CLY2 1–1.5 x ALE.