Tegenaria annae
The dorsal part of the bifid terminal end of the conductor and the RTA with its round and plate-like ventral branch are two very distinctive characters for the determination of Teg. annae and not confusable with other known species so far. Females do show close similarity in genitalia with Teg. domestica but can be separated from this species by the distinctly oval vulva (more irregularly globular in Teg. domestica).
Cheliceral promargin with four teeth, retromargin with four equally sized teeth. Colulus developed as trapezoidal plate with the distal margin medially notched. Same pattern of distal spigots on PMS (in females) as described for the type species. PLS with distal segment as long as basal segment. Tarsal trichobothria at palp tarsus and cymbium absent. Tarsal trichobothria six to eight. Leg spination: male palp (2–0–0–0 or 2–1–0–0, 2–0–0, 0–2–0–0), female palp (1–0–0–0 or 2–0–0–0, 2–0–0, 2–2–0–0), leg femora (2–2–1–0 or 2–2–2–0 or 2–3–2–0, 2–1–1–0 or 2–1–2–0 or 2–2–2–0 or 2–3–2–0, 2–1–2–0 or 2–2–1–0 or 2–2–2–0, 1–2–1–0 or 2–1–1–0 or 2–2–1–0), patellae (all 2–0–0, except holotype with 2–0–1 at leg IV), tibiae (2–1–0–2p or 2–2–0–2p+1 or 2–2–2–3p, 2–2–0–2+1p or 2–2–2–1p+1+1p or 2–2–2–3p, 2–2–1–1p+1+1p or 2–2–2–1p+1+1p or 2–2–2–3p, 2–2–2–1p+1+1p), metatarsi (0–0–0–3p+1 or 0–1–1–3p+1, 0–1–0–3p+1 or 0–2–0–3p+1 or 0–1–1–3p+1 or 0–2–1–3p+1, 0–3–3–3p+1, 0–3–3–3p+1 or 1–3–3–3p+1), tarsi (all 0 or III and IV 0–1–0–0).
Eye distances: PME–PME 0.5–1 x PME, PME–AME 1 x PME, PME–
PLE 0.5–1 x PME, PME–ALE 1–1.5 x PME, AME–AME 0.5–1 x AME, AME–ALE < 0.5 x AME. CLY1 2–2.5 x AME, CLY2 1–1.5 x ALE.
Coloration: Margin of carapace continuously darkened, dorsally with two longitudinal symmetrical dark bands. Sternum with distinct pale median band and lateral three symmetrical pale dots, most posterior pair may be fused with median band. Opisthosoma dark brownish with yellowish median band (also with indistinct, paler lateral bands) and one to two symmetrical lateral spots, continuing in chevrons posteriad. Legs annulated. ALS darkened, PLS with dark basal and pale distal segment.
Male palp: RTA with three branches, ventral branch broad round and plate-like, lateroventral ridge clearly visible, lateral and dorsal branch equally long elongated, lateral branch moderately pointed, dorsal branch distally broad truncated. Filiform embolus length about 1.5 ¥ CB, originating at 9 o’clock position, distal tip at 2–3 o’clock position. Conductor with distal portion distinctly elongated, longer than wide, lateral margin almost completely folded. Terminal end strongly sclerotized and bifid, ventral part simple and pointed, dorsal part with distinct lobe-like protrusion, bent ventrad. Connection of conductor to tegulum moderately sclerotized. MA originating at 6 o’clock position, protruding, distally with spoon-like sclerite. MA membranously connected to tegulum.
Epigyne and vulva: Epigyne medially with pale, membranous area. Posterior sclerite expressed as sclerotized bar with concave anterior margin, limiting median area posteriorly. CO between and laterally of the membranous median area and the posterior sclerite. Epigynal ‘pseudo teeth’ present. Vulva consists of distinguishable CD, RC, and FD. CD leading into oblong globular, irregularly formed RC, almost touching each other anteriorly. FD only represented by small, leaf-shaped appendages.
Male (N = 2): CL 3.40–3.46, CW 2.65–2.81, STL 1.71–1.73, STW 1.63–1.66, OL 4.12–4.42, OW 2.66–3.03. Leg I (3.91–4.18, 1.29–1.38, 3.64–3.82, 3.91–4.29, 2.29–2.50), II (3.74–3.87, 1.26–1.37, 3.07–3.36, 3.54–3.99, 1.98–2.24), III (3.64–3.73, 1.31–1.35, 3.09–3.16, 3.81–3.84, 1.70–1.89), IV (4.37–4.62, 1.08–1.35, 3.84–4.04, 4.85–4.98, 1.91–2.17). Pedipalp (1.32–1.39, 0.51–0.52, 0.50–0.54, 1.45–1.49), bulbL 0.86–0.98.
Female (N = 2): CL 2.39–2.99, CW 1.80–2.24, STL 1.17–1.55, STW 1.12–1.38, OL 2.95–3.34, OW 1.94–2.27. Leg I (2.42–3.02, 0.87–1.10, 2.24–2.77, 2.32–2.91, 1.49–1.83), II (2.14–2.78, 0.75–0.99, 1.97–2.39, 2.06–2.60, 1.26–1.56), III (2.06–2.73, 0.66–0.88, 1.75–2.03, 1.95–2.64, 0.89–1.31), IV (2.67–3.38, 0.82–0.86, 2.45–3.15, 2.83–3.57, 1.31–1.50). Pedipalp (0.92–1.21, 0.41–0.54, 0.61–0.82, 0.99–1.27). EPL 0.42, EPW 0.56–0.69, ATL 0.08–0.09, ATW 0.27–0.34.