Agelenids of the World

Systematics and Taxonomy of Agelenidae, a Worldwide distributed Spider Family


PageAuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
M. L. Celerier1971Developpement et consommation alimentaire d'une Araignee: Tegenaria saeva B1. (Agelenidae)
R. De Blauwe1975Deuixieme contribution a 1'etude des Agelenidae des collections du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Verone
T. Thorell1877Descriptions of the Araneae collected in Colorado in 1875 by A. S. Packard, jun., M.D
J. Hewitt1913Descriptions of new species of Arachnida from Cape Colony
E. Simon1886Descriptions de quelques especes nouvelles de la famille des Agelenidae
E. Simon1898Descriptions d'Arachnides nouveaux des families des Agelenidae, Pisauridae, Lycosidae et Oxyopidae
J. f Wang1992Description of new species of the genera Tegenaria and Agelena from South China (Araneae: Agelenidae)
E. Dresco1957Description d'une espece nouvelle de Tegenaria et remarques sur Tegenaria saeva Black. et atrica C. Koch (Araneae, Agelenidae)
C. Ribera1978Descripcion del mannsch de Tegenaria hispanica Fage 1931 (Araneae Agelenidae)
J. Barrientos1979Descripcion de Tegenaria levantina n. sp. y Tegenaria carensis n. sp. (Araneae, Agelenidae)
M. J. Costello, Daane K. M.2005Day vs. night sampling for spiders in grape vineyards
K. Thaler1980Cryphoeca brignolii n. sp., eine weitere Reliktart der Sudalpen mit Arten-Schlussel und Versuch eines Kladogramms (Arachnida: Aranei: Agelenidae)
Gallardo, L., Galindo, P., Urones, C.1986Crecimiento de Textrix pinicola E.S. y Textrix caudata L.K. (Araneae, Agelenidae)
M. Nakayama, Ikeda, H., Inaba, S.1991Courtship behaviour and postcopulatory guarding in Coelotes luctuosus L. Koch (Agelenidae)
J. B. Fraser1988Courtship and copulatory behavior of the funnel-web spider, Hololena adnexa (Araneae, Agelenidae)
B. A. Huber1994Copulatory mechanics in the funnel-web spiders Histopona torpida and Textrix denticulata (Agelenidae, Araneae)
P. M. Brignoli1971Contributo alla conoscenza degli Agelenidae italiani. (Araneae)
M. A. Vasiliu1971Contributions a la connaissance des espece d'Agelenidae (Arach. , Araneae) de Roumanie
R. De Blauwe1972Contributions a l'etude des Agelenidae et Drassidae des collections du musec d'histoire naturale de Verone. Memorie
M. Vachon, Hubert M.1971Contribution a l'etude du developpement postembryonnaire des Araignees Quatrieme note. Tegenaria saeva Bl., Coelotes terrestris (Wid.) et Coelotes atropos (Wlk.) (Agelenidae)
F. Assi1982Contribution a l'etude de la periode larvaire et influence de la temperature sur le developpement chez Agelena affinis (Kulczynski) (Agelenidae, Araneae)
F. Malaisse, Benoit P. L. G.1979Contribution a l'etude de l'ecosysteme foret claire (Miombo) au Shaba (Zaire). Note 32: Strategie, effectif et biomasse des araignees en Miombo
P. J. P. Croucher, Jones, R. M., Searle, J. B., Oxford, G. S.2007Contrasting patterns of hybridization in large house spiders (Tegenaria atrica group, Agelenidae)
O. Prouvost, Trabalon, M., Papke, M., Schulz, S.1999Contact sex signals on web and cuticle of Tegenaria atrica (Araneae, Agelenidae)
W. Meyer, Poehling, H. M., Neuhoff, V.1980Comparative aspects of free amino acids in the central nervous system of spiders
F. Zhang, Zhu L. -min2008Community structure and diversity of spider in Zhangshiyan scenic area of Hebei Province, China
S. Koponen1987Communities of ground-living spiders in six habitats on a mountain in Quebec, Canada
C. Roland, Krafft B.1990Communication chez les araignees: la rencontre des sexes chez Tegenaria domestica (Agelenidae)
O. Breidbach, Dircksen, H., Wegerhoff, R.1995Common general morphological pattern of peptidergic neurons in the arachnid brain: crustacean cardioactive peptide-immunoreactive neurons in the protocerebrum of seven arachnid species
W. L. Brown1975Comments on the spider Saltonia incerta Banks (Agelenidae?)
R. M. Davis, Russel M. P.1969Commensalism between Ranzorius moerens (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae) and Hololena curta (McCook) (Araneida: Agelenidae)
A. De Castro, Ferrandez M. A.1998Coelotes terrestris (Wider, 1834) (Araneae: Agelenidae) new species for the Iberian fauna
D. Dimitrov1996Coelotes deltshevi sp. n., a new spider species from Bulgaria (Arachnida, Araneae, Agelenidae)
P. T. Lehtinen1967Classification of the cribellate spiders and some allied families, with notes on the evolution of the suborder
R. G. Bennett1983Cicurina bryantae Exline: a discussion of the spider and its retreat (Agelenidae, Cryphoeceae)
N. Tsurusaki, Ihara, Y., Arita, T.1993Chromosomes of the funnel-web spider Agelena limbata (Araneae: Agelenidae)
J. Fox1936Chinese spiders of the families Agelenidae, Pisauridae and Sparassidae
M. Trabalon, Bagneres, A. G., Hartmann, N., Vallet, A. M.1996Changes in cuticular compounds composition during the gregarious period and after dispersal of the young in Tegenaria atrica (Araneae, Agelenidae)
G. Wilczek, Babczynska, A., Wilczek, P., Dolezych, B., Migula, P., Mlynska, H.2008Cellular stress reactions assessed by gender and species in spiders from areas variously polluted with heavy metals
R. De Blauwe, Baert L.1981Catalogues des araignees de Belgique
V. D. Roth, Brown W. L.1986Catalog of Nearctic Agelenidae
J. Huble1980Captures remarquables d'araignees linyphiides dans la reserve naturelle 'de Blankaart' (Flandre occidentale)
E. Dresco1973Captures d'araignees en Espagne (Campagnes biospeologiques de 1952 et 1954). Famille des Agelenidae
A. D. Blest, Taylor P. W.1995Cambridgea quadromaculata n. sp. (Araneae, Stiphidiidae): a large New Zealand spider from wet, shaded habitats
R. L. Crawford2009Calymmaria emertoni (Simon) (Arachnida, Araneida, Agelenidae), a cave twilight spider: troglophile status, range extension, and natural history
B. M. Olivera, Imperial, J. S., Cruz, L. J., Bindokas, V. P., Venema, V. J., Adams, M. E.1991Calcium channel-targeted polypeptide toxins
M. Schaefer, Bohlken, H., Reichstein, H., Sattler, K., Schmidt, E., Sick, F.2000Brohmer. Fauna of Germany: an identification guide to our indigenous animals. 20th, revised edition.
M. Schaefer1992Brohmer-Fauna von Deutschland: ein Bestimmungsbuch umserer heimischen Tierwelt
M. Schaefer1994Brohmer - Fauna of Germany. An identification handbook of our native fauna. 19th revised edition.
G. H. Locket, Millidge A. F.1953British Spiders 2


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith