Agelenids of the World

Systematics and Taxonomy of Agelenidae, a Worldwide distributed Spider Family

Spiders of Connecticut

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1948
Authors:B. J. Kaston
Journal:Bulletin Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey
Volume:No. 70
Pagination:pp. 1-874
Date Published:1948
Keywords:(including Pantopoda, Agelenidae (Araneae)., Agelenidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Amaurobiidae (Araneae)., Amaurobiidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with, Anatomy, and figures of species p. 115]., and figures of species p. 274]., and figures of species p. 278]., and figures of species p. 291]., and figures of species p. 295]., and figures of species p. 302]., and figures of species p. 367]., and figures of species p. 410]., and figures of species p. 444]., and figures of species p. 500]., and figures of species p. 60]., and figures of species p. 71]., and figures p. 341]., And Habits, And Tardigrada), Anyphaenidae (Araneae)., Anyphaenidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with, Arachnida (including Pantopoda, Aran]., Araneae (Arachnida)., Araneae [Zoology / / Keys to families and genera of Con necticut with, Araneae] [ / /, Araneae] [ / / Arachnida, Araneae] [ / / Arachnida (including Pantopoda, Araneae] [Life history / / Araneae] [Nearctic region / /, Argiopidae (Araneae)., Argiopidae [Zoology / / Key to subfamilies and descriptions with, Ariadna bicolor (Araneae)., Ariadna bicolor [Zoology / / p. 63 figs]., Arthropoda (Animalia)., Arthropoda [Zoology / / Arachnida (including Pantopoda, Atypus milberti (Araneae)., Atypus milberti [Zoology / / p. 58 figs]., Bathyphantoides (Araneae): [Gen nov, defined p. 132 type species,, Biology, Clubionidae (Araneae)., Clubionidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Collecting, Connecticut, Connecticut p. 338]., descriptions and figures of species p. 145]., descriptions and figures of species p. 404]., descriptions and figures of species p. 515]., descriptions of species and figures]., Development, Dictynidae (Araneae)., Dictynidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Diplostyla brevis, Emerton (1011), p. 132 figs.]., Dysdera crocata (Araneae)., Dysdera crocata [Zoology / / p. 62 figs]., Ecology, Ecology And Habits, Enemies and Defence, Enemies of, External Anatomy, figures of species of Connecticut p. 218]., General habits, Gnaphosidae (Araneae)., Gnaphosidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Hahniidae (Araneae)., Hahniidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Hyptioles cavatus (Araneae)., Hyptioles cavatus [Zoology / / redescribed p. 514 figs]., Internal, Land zones, Life cycle and, Linyphiidae (Araneae)., Linyphiidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Lycosidae (Araneae)., Lycosidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Micryphantidae (Arachnida)., Micryphantidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with, Mimetidae (Araneae)., Mimetidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, New taxa, Nomenclature, Oecobius parictalis (Araneae)., Oecobius parictalis [Zoology / / redescribed p. 449 figs]., Oonopidae (Araneae)., Oonopidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Oxyopidae (Araneae)., Oxyopidae [Zoology / / Descriptions and figures of species of, Pentastomida, Pentastomida And, Pentastomida And Tardigrada), Pholcus phalangioides (Araneae)., Pholcus phalangioides [Zoology / / p. 08 figs]., Physiology, Pisauridae (Araneae)., Pisauridae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, preserving Aran] [ / / Arachnida, Salticidae (Araneae)., Salticidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Scytodes thora cica (Araneae)., Scytodes thora cica [Zoology / / p. 65 figs]., Spermophora meridionalis (Araneae)., Spermophora meridionalis [Zoology / / p. 69 fig]., Structure, Systematics, Tardigrada), technique, Theridiidae (Araneae)., Theridiidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Thomisidae (Araneae)., Thomisidae [Zoology / / Key to genera of Connecticut with descriptions, Toxins, Uloborus americanus (Araneae)., Uloborus americanus [Zoology / / redescribed p. 513 figs]., Venoms.-Araneae] [ / / Arachnida (including Pantopoda
URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOREC:ZOOR08500001260
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith