Agelenids of the World

Systematics and Taxonomy of Agelenidae, a Worldwide distributed Spider Family

Major true spiders (Araneae) and their predatory effects on dominant aphid species in alfalfa agroecosystem at western Saudi Arabia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:K. M. S. Al Ghamdi
Journal:Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture Cairo University
Date Published:2004
ISBN Number:0526-8613
Keywords:[Arachnid predators / Araneae / Predator prey population interactions, / Hada Al-Sham / ]., Araneae (Arachnida): [Predator]., Araneae [Insect prey / Macrosiphum & Therioaphis trifolii (Hemiptera) /, Asia, culivated land], cultivated land] [Community, cultivated land] [Cultivated land habitat / / plant host] [Saudi Arabia, Diet, Ecology, Eurasia, Habitat, Hosts, Land zones, Macrosiphum, Macrosiphum (Aphidoidea): [Parasite, Prey]., Man made habitat, Nutrition, Palaearctic region, Parasites diseases and disorders, Population dynamics, Population interactions with arachnid predators, Predator prey population interactions, Predators, Prey, prey prevalence relationship] [Cultivated land habitat / / Community, structure / / Seasonal changes] [Population density / / Hemipteran, structure & population interactions with hemipteran prey] [Saudi Arabia, Therioaphis trifolii (Aphidoidea): [Parasite, Prey]., Therioaphis trifolii [Plant hosts / Medicago sativa /

The weekly intensive survey showed that two major aphid species, are widely prevalent in the alfalfa agroecosystem including the black alfalfa aphid Macrosiphum sp. and the spotted alfalfa aphid Therioaphis trifolii (Monell). A rich fauna of true spiders (Araneae) was also recorded as foliage-dwelling spiders that belong to 6 major families. Three major predominant spider families arranged by their percentage presence included Philodromidae (24.09%), Thomisidae (21.09%), Salticidae (16.58%). However, other less predominant families included Zodariidae (4.68%) Gnaphosidae (4.22%), N Therididae (3.80%), Lycosidae (3.01%). Araneidae (2.51%), Cithaeronidae (0.40%), Agelenidae (0.88%), Pholcidae (0.38%) and Clubionidae (0.33%). A linear correlation existed between the total numbers of spider complex and the total number of the spotted alfalfa aphid showed an appreciable synchrony with the population of the highly prevalent host (prey) throughout the year.

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